Sunday, May 29, 2011

His Provision

 ~By Hannah
Isn't it amazing how God provides? We have been blown away time and time again with His amazing provision for our trip. There have been so many God ideas for raising finances. We've been making and selling our cards. People in our community have hired us to work in their yards. People have slipped us checks. Paul Hunter (we will be staying with him and his wife Pam... you can read about their ministry in Uganda here) had the idea of having us babysit some children in our church by donation while he led a discussion group for The Hole in Our Gospel. And so many many more!!

We had reserved our tickets and were raising the rest of the money in a hurry to purchase them. The travel agent had told us that until we bought the tickets, the prices (which were already expensive) could go up any time without any warning and we would be stuck with the higher cost. We were praying and trying to trust the Father :) as we scrambled to get enough money. The day we bought the tickets, our agent called me (Hannah) and said, "I can't explain it, but the ticket prices have gone down!" It took all that was in me not to start screaming when she told me :) I did come yelling and dancing out of my room when I got off the phone though and spared her from being deafened. We can explain why the ticket prices had gone down!.... God.

Now, not only do we have our tickets purchased, but we're close to having all of our living expenses covered. WOW!! God is so faithful. 

A HUGE thank you to all of those who have blessed us with your love, prayers, and financial support. We couldn't do this without you. We love you all! 

And a HUGE-A-MONGUS thanks to you Father God for giving us this opportunity to embark on such an amazing adventure. We love You!


  1. i'm super-duper proud of you've worked so hard, love so passionately, & never stopped believing our Daddy God would provide for you! How much more do you need for your trip?
    i love you bunches :)

  2. Hannah and Sarah, you both are my heroes! I want to be just like you when I grow up! I believe God has something big up His sleeve for you both! Stay tuned!

  3. Mom~ Thanks for the love!! You have been such an inspiration to us both all throughout this journey. We're really close... we only need about $800 more :)

    Dad~ You are one of OUR heroes!! Thanks for the wonderful example you've been :)
